Myco is a psychedelic project created by Kyle Henry from Kansas City, which only launched in December 2015. The name Myco is the scientific term for fungi, and their debut single is in-keeping with this theme, seeing as it is called, "Myceliated" which is about fungus and the influence it has on the universe and the human race...far out right?!...
You are instantly dazzled and pulled in by the synth electro ambience, which is chilled yet has a playful vibe. The guitar has a nice tone, and has some impressive memorable moments, which compliments well with the weird electro sounds. As you may expect, it features some complex and intriguing trippy lyrics such as, "Inside the earth lies plexus of fungus, interconnecting everything symbiosis", which is delivered in a smooth and pleasing vocal performance throughout. The vocals float wonderfully alongside the distant ethereal music, making it easy to lose yourself in their soothing vibrant and strange sounds. For a debut offering this is well composed, produced and mastered. It also stands out with their theme and sound, as they have embraced the idea behind it brilliantly and intelligible to match the music.
Their first EP is due for release shortly, being early 2016, which will feature a range of styles, all being on the psychedelic side though, which you would expect given their band name and concept! So until then, learn about the power of fungi in this debut, and let's see what strange dream like journey's Myco take us on in the future!
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